Tuesday, July 22, 2008

So sorry

Yeah. So sorry I haven't posted -- things are fine. We're in Phnom Penh. Teddy, Toby and Dan left this morning for the U.S.; Eric left for Thailand. We're leaving for Thailand on Thursday morning.

Things have been zooey, and we've had intermittent power at the guest house. I'll try to update everyone on everything soon, though.

One thing that's making my life difficult is a strange error that has popped up in Aperture (the program I use to edit my photos). I've lost access to nearly everything I took on this trip. It's making it hard for me to feel motivated to shoot any more.

Anyway, I'm out with the girls. We had dinner at Savorn's house this evening, and we had a wonderful time. I love our staff here.

Thanks to all of you for your support. Make sure you track down Teddy and Dan and get the firsthand scoop about our trip.


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